Installation of signalling infrastructure – Sandgate
Hitachi Rail is installing a new world-class railway signalling system as part of the Cross River Rail Project.
The introduction of the new system will increase capacity, efficiency and reliability while maintaining safety on our rail network. It is especially important for the safe operation of trains in the Cross River Rail tunnels.
The new railway signalling system will be rolled out in several stages starting with the Shorncliffe Line where work has already commenced. This will involve equipment being fitted to trains and tracks, and in Queensland Rail’s Rail Management Centre at Bowen Hills.
Details of work – signalling equipment installation
Signalling equipment is planned to be installed on Queensland Rail land in your local area. This will consist of a radio mast and antennas, hardware cabinets, cabling and equipment on and alongside the railway line. These will be built on concrete slabs and fenced to restrict access.
From July, construction works will commence to install the new equipment in the rail corridor beside the Curlew Street carpark at Sandgate station (see map below).
Works will occur between 7.00am and 4.00pm Monday to Friday and will include excavation and the construction of the concrete foundations for the mast and other equipment.
To ensure the safety of workers and the community, some activities will be undertaken outside of normal construction hours, weather permitting. Additional notification will be provided in advance of any out-of-hours works.
Further information
Please find below two fact sheets entitled Signalling for seamless and safe train travel and Radio masts and antennas providing information about the new railway signalling system and detailing how the technology and infrastructure works.
If you would like further information or have questions, please contact us on 1800 010 875 or email [email protected] to organise a convenient time to connect either over the phone or in-person.
What to expect if you live alongside the rail corridor
Residents and businesses along the rail corridor may see and hear:
- Movement of personnel and construction vehicles (including machines and equipment)
- Some noise and dust associated with the use of machinery and equipment
- Mobile lighting towers in work areas during night works, in addition to existing rail corridor lighting.
To minimise impacts:
- Environmental controls will be in place to manage noise and dust
- Noise minimisation practices will be adopted in relation to the use of vehicles and machinery after hours
- Lighting towers will be directed away from residential properties, where practical
- All workers will be briefed on key community and environmental considerations.
What to expect if you’re a rail customer
To undertake this work safely, some track closures will be necessary. Plan your journey in advance by visiting, calling 13 12 30 or downloading the MyTransLink app.
If you want to know more, all of this information is available in PDF form: