Hope Island station construction update - February 2025
Acciona Georgiou Joint Venture (AGJV) has been awarded the contract to design and build Hope Island station, with major construction now underway.
Key construction activities to be carried out in February are outlined below.
Upcoming works
Civil works
- General earthworks including fill removal
- Ongoing site investigation works
- Installation of drainage infrastructure
- Construction of retaining walls.
Station platform and building construction
- Construction of platform plaza foundations and stairs
- Ongoing platform deck construction works
- Installation of platform building structural elements
- Installation of platform and plaza services.
Hope Island Road works
Construction will continue on the new signalised intersection at the station entrance on Hope Island Road including:
- General earthworks including rock placement and compaction
- Relocation of underground utility services
- Installation of fencing, barriers, and lighting
- Vegetation clearing, in accordance with all relevant approvals, using fauna spotter/catchers
- Asphalt and road pavement placement
- Installation of drainage infrastructure
- Pedestrian path changes (access will be maintained)
- Line marking removal and placement
- Installation of traffic signalling infrastructure
- Removal of centre median in the works area.
Rail corridor works
Some rail corridor works are planned outside the project’s normal working hours when there is reduced rail traffic to ensure works can be completed safely and efficiently. Out of hours rail corridor works are scheduled for:
- Saturday 15 February from 2:00am to Monday 17 February 2:00am
Work area
The northern pedestrian path near the Hope Island Road roundabout will be closed for approximately three months from February 2025. During this time, the path on the opposite side of the road will open to accommodate pedestrian access.
Construction hours
The majority of works will be undertaken between 7:00am and 5:00pm Monday to Saturday, weather and construction conditions permitting. Due to site conditions and safety requirements, some out of hours deliveries and works will be required from time-to-time.
Due to traffic safety requirements and to minimise impacts on motorists, where construction activity is required on or near the road, works will be completed out of hours between 7pm and 5am from Sunday to Thursday.
What to expect
- Local traffic changes including lane closures and night works on Hope Island Road
- Construction activities may generate increased levels of noise, dust, and vibration in the area associated with the use of construction equipment. Every effort will be taken to keep noise to a minimum
- Comprehensive management plans and onsite controls have been established to monitor and mitigate impacts of construction, such as water carts for dust suppression
- Safety lighting and reversing squawkers will be in use, however lighting will be positioned away from residential properties wherever possible
- The use of machinery including graders, excavators, trucks, compaction equipment, jackhammers and other rock breaking attachments, vacuum trucks, cranes, water carts, drill rigs, and other hand-held tools
- Increased truck movements to and from site
- Pedestrian changes in Mangrove Jack Park and along Hope Island Road. Follow all relevant signage and controls.
Changes to the way you travel
Construction of new stations, including Hope Island, on the Gold Coast line can mean changes to your travel.
We encourage you to consider your travel options, plan ahead and allow extra travel time by using the links below:
If you want to know more, all of this information is available in PDF form: