Environmental Impact Statement

The Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Cross River Rail project was approved by the Coordinator-General in 2012.

This EIS was based on the project’s Reference Design and was a key document in the review and approval of the project by the State Government.

You can read more about this process at the Coordinator-General’s website.

Cropped version of aerial view of the Cross River Rail underground rail route.

Request for Project Change

As project planning and design progresses, changes to the approved project are sometimes required, leading to a Request for Project Change.

You can learn more about the Request for Project Change process in our FAQs.

For information on Project Changes relating to Cross River Rail visit the Coordinator-General’s website.

  • Previous requests for project change

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  • Cross River Rail submitted a Request for Project change to temporarily suspend certain project conditions that would assist the project in responding to impacts from the severe weather experienced during March 2025 in South East Queensland. The change provides for temporary conditions, which remain in effect for a period of 30 business days from 7 March to 17 April, to support project response, repair and recovery activities. The temporary conditions support dewatering campaigns and include temporary 24-hour,
    7-day emissions for noise and vibration to undertake necessary repairs, as well as temporary changes to transport haulage routes to respond to road closures or damaged roads.

    This was approved on 7 March 2025.

    Cross River Rail submitted a Request for Project change to the scope of works approved for the Roma Street station precinct and involves changes to the traffic and pedestrian arrangements. The proposal included; the closure of Herschel Street to vehicles between George and Roma Streets, adjusting signalised intersections, footpaths, cycle infrastructure and urban design to accommodate the new arrangements within the precinct, maintaining the Inner Northern Busway at its current location, removing the previously proposed design to shift the busway underground as part of the new Roma Street station, as well as maintaining the current intersection arrangement at Roma Street and Parkland Boulevard.

    This was approved on 10 July 2024.

    Cross River Rail submitted a Request for Project change to temporarily suspend certain project conditions that would assist the project in responding to impacts from flooding experienced during the February/March 2022 South East Queensland flood event. The change provides for temporary conditions, which remain in effect for a period of 20 business days from 15 March to 11 April, to support project response, repair and recovery activities. The temporary conditions support dewatering campaigns and include temporary 24-hour, 7 day emissions for noise and vibration, as well as temporary changes to transport haulage routes to respond to road closures or damaged roads.

    This was approved on 14 March 2022.

    Cross River Rail submitted Request for Project Change 12 in relation to relaxation of heavy vehicle restrictions when traffic volumes are low. This change requested the spoil haulage and materials/equipment delivery hours be amended to remove morning and afternoon peak traffic period restrictions during periods when Brisbane City Council lifts Brisbane City Business District (CBD) traffic restrictions for heavy vehicles.

    This was approved on 2 February 2022.

    Cross River Rail submitted Request for Project Change 11 in relation to Clapham Yard and Moorooka station. This change requested design changes for the Clapham Yard stabling facility, inclusion of a new grade separated structure over Moolabin Creek, raising the Clapham Yard stabling facility to achieve Queensland Rail rollingstock flood immunity requirements, and changes to approved work hours for rail possessions and spoil haulage / materials and equipment delivery hours.

    This was approved on 22 July 2021.

    Cross River Rail submitted Request for Project Change 10 in relation to Roma Street and Albert Street work hours. This change requested the hours of work for both sites to be changed to allow for haulage on Sunday between 9:00am and 6:30pm. Sunday haulage first commenced at Roma Street in June 2021, and at Albert Street in November 2021.

    This was approved on 9 June 2021.

    Cross River Rail submitted Request for Project Change 9 in relation to the Southern Area between Park Road and Dutton Park stations. The proposed condition changes relate to design of the tunnel portal and rail track alignment, construction methodology of the southern tunnel portal and traffic arrangements and haulage routes on Peter Doherty Street.

    This was approved on 7 April 2021.

    Southern Area design refinements and condition changes 2020

    Cross River Rail submitted Request for Project Change 8 in relation to the Southern Area between Park Road and Dutton Park stations. The proposed condition changes relate to conditions surrounding rail possessions and haulage. The scope of the project remained unchanged as part of this change application.

    This was approved on 16 November 2020.

    Design refinements and condition changes 2020

    Cross River Rail submitted Request for Project Change 7 in relation to the Rail, Integration and Systems Scope of Works. The proposed changes relate to refinement of the project’s approved boundary on land already affected by the project and within existing rail and road corridors, and changes to the Imposed Conditions for the project in relation to the approved hours of work for certain works, surface and groundwater release requirements, refinement of some monitoring requirements and streamlining of conditions. The scope of the project remained unchanged as part of this change application.

    This was approved on 16 July 2020.

    Temporary change of certain work hours May 2020.

    Cross River Rail submitted Request for Project Change 6 to temporarily change certain work hours. The changes would temporarily remove peak traffic period restrictions on spoil haulage and material/equipment deliveries at some construction worksites and remain in place until the COVID-19 declared public health emergency is revoked, or a shorter period as stated by the Coordinator-General. Scope, location or design of the project remained unchanged as part of this change application.

    This was approved on 7 May 2020.

    Condition change (hours of work) 2019.

    Cross River Rail submitted Request for Project Change 5 to include extended work hours at the Exhibition Railway Station and Mayne Railway Yard project work sites. The proposed change and potential environmental impacts were assessed and were confirmed as being consistent with the already approved extended work hours for the other project worksites. The scope, location or design of the project remained unchanged as part of this change application.

    This was approved on 4 October 2019.

    Whole of project refinements 2019.

    Following identification of project innovations and improvements by the bidding companies as part of the tendering process, Cross River Rail submitted a Request for Project Change to reduce project impacts and improve project outcomes.

    This request covered changes relating to the tunnel alignment and the following project areas; Mayne Yard, Exhibition Station/Northern Portal, Roma Street, Albert Street, Woolloongabba, Boggo Road, Dutton Park and stations from Fairfield to Salisbury.

    This was approved on 26 June 2019.

    Roma Street Demolition Works.

    Following engineering investigations, Cross River Rail submitted a request for Project Change to demolish the Brisbane Transit Centre (East Tower), Hotel Jen, the pedestrian bridge over Roma Street and to temporarily occupy the open space adjacent to Hotel Jen during these demolition and construction works.

    This was approved on 13 March 2019.

    Temporary Roma Street Coach Terminal

    Cross River Rail submitted a Request for Project Change for the change of use for the carpark and drop-off area adjacent to Roma Street Station platform 10 to a temporary coach terminal.

    This was approved on 30 August 2018.

    Whole of project.

    Following further technical investigations and community consultation, the Queensland Government refined the project’s reference design and prepared a Request for Project Change which was displayed for community comment from Saturday 25 February 2017 until Monday 27 March 2017.

    This was approved on 8 June 2017.
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