Albert Street transformation begins

Works have begun on the first part of the Albert Street ‘green spine’, marking the most exciting change to the heart of the CBD since the opening of the Queen Street Mall.

As part of Cross River Rail construction, the area directly outside the new Albert Street station will be turned into a new pedestrianised plaza between Mary and Elizabeth streets.

The two-block plaza outside the Cross River Rail station will be a shady subtropical boulevard right in the heart of the CBD.

It is effectively the start of an Albert Street ‘green spine’, which aligns with Brisbane City Council’s Albert Street Vision for a tree-lined, traffic-free walkway from the Botanic Gardens in the south of the CBD, all the way to Roma Street Parklands in the north.

Render of Albert Street green spine.

Earlier this week, the first stage of construction along this two-block section commenced, with the first works happening between Elizabeth and Charlotte Street.

Crews will be undertaking works such as investigation and relocation of underground services, demolition and excavation of existing footpaths and roads, and installing furniture and constructing new streetscape and landscape features.

The staged approach to construction will ensure pedestrian access to local businesses and residential properties will be maintained, allowing businesses to remain open.

The project’s contractors are working closely with individual businesses to manage any impacts, including increasing signage around businesses and scheduling works to avoid peak trading hours.

For more information about the Albert Street green spine and upcoming works, visit the dedicated webpage.