Roma Street station construction update - February and March 2025

The Roma Street station and services buildings have now taken shape with the focus shifting to
internal fit-out and precinct upgrades.

From early 2025, changes to traffic and pedestrian arrangements will be implemented to enable more efficient and safer movements for pedestrians and vehicles.


Main station entrance building

Roma Street – Opposite Makerston Street

The below works features both day and night work:

  • Oversized deliveries to and from site including crawler crane, permanent canopy steel, mechanical and electrical equipment and architectural panelling
  • Intermittent stop-and-hold traffic control, partial lane closures and footpath diversions along Roma Street, Inner Northern Busway and in the pedestrian gantry
  • External cladding, architectural panel fit-out, glazed glass installation, fit-out and finishes
  • Hoarding and scaffolding assembling and disassembling requiring hand tools and steel
  • Preparatory works including excavation requiring elevated work platforms, cranes, vacuum trucks and hand tools.


Western services building

Roma Street – Opposite Garrick Street

The below works features both day and night work:

  • Testing and commissioning of services including tunnel ventilation systems, communication and control systems and energisation of services
  • Formwork, steel reinforcement, concrete pouring, scaffolding installation, drainage installation and vacuum trucks to complete the driveway and service utility connections
  • Heavy plant movement including cranage, crane demobilisation and oversized deliveries to site.
  • Internal fit-out, testing and commissioning of service rooms requiring concrete sealing, epoxy flooring, ceiling and wall sheeting, mechanical ventilation plant installation and cable pulling
  • External glass fibre reinforced concrete cladding and architectural panel fit-out. This may require local footpath closures. Further information to be provided prior to closures
  • Concrete demolition of temporary internal walls and slabs requiring hand tools and jackhammer
  • Underground services work including excavation for stormwater and drainage from the Western services building into the road and at Herschel Street.


Roma Street station

Busway Platform 1 & 2

The below works features both day and night work:

  • Installing steel, roof sheeting, guttering and service fit-out to construct the platform canopy
  • Delivery of equipment via Roma Street and busway at night outside of operational hours
  • Reconstruction of Platform 2 requiring a partial lane closure of the busway, erection of hoarding and traffic management barriers, demolition works, steel fixing, formwork installation and concrete pours
  • Concrete demolition of Platform 2 slab and internal walls requiring excavators, jackhammering, saw-cutting hand tools, concrete coring tools, elevated work platforms and installation of noise proof matting
  • Construction of lift shaft and stairs requiring concrete trucks and agitators, and concrete boom pump
  • Platform 1 tie in to canopy pavilion area requiring rain screen installation, scaffolding, formwork, concrete pours, structural steel delivery and steel fixing.

Aerial view of the new Roma Street precinct including new main station.
Aerial view of the new Roma Street precinct including new main station.

Service and civil work

Roma Street & Herschel Street

The following works features both day and night work:

  • Construction of permanent underground stormwater infrastructure including drainage pipes, manholes and gully pits along Roma Street is required
  • Storm water pipe installation with a micro tunnel boring machine (TBM) launched from within the Roma Street site. Excavation of a pit in the centre median will be required to retrieve the micro TBM
  • Open-cut trenching and pipe installation with road saws, jackhammers, excavators, vacuum excavation trucks, generators, mobile cranes, lighting towers and hand tools
  • Stop-and-go traffic control arrangements and partial lane closures outside of standard hours.
  • Permanent civil storm water works between Parkland Boulevard and the western site boundary.


Herschel Street traffic changes

Intersection of Roma, Herschel and George streets

The following works features both day and night work:

  • Traffic and intersection changes to Makerston Street
  • Site establishment works on Herschel Street and Roma Street intersection requiring hoarding installation, vegetation removal, asset removal and the adjustment of traffic conditions for vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists. Further information will be issued prior to traffic changes occurring.


Underground cavern

Acoustic shed, corner of Roma Street and Parkland Boulevard

The following works features both day and night work:

  • Fit-out of mechanical and electrical services, architectural panelling, ceiling material and tiling
  • Commissioning of tunnel ventilation systems, communication and control systems and energisation.


Roma Street precinct

From early 2025, changes to traffic and pedestrian arrangements in the Roma Street station precinct will be implemented to enable more efficient and safer movements for both pedestrians and vehicles.

These changes include:

  • Closure of Herschel Street to vehicles between Roma and George streets
  • Construction of a new shared user connection in the section of Herschel Street between George and Roma streets
  • Adjustments to signalised intersections, pedestrian crossings, footpaths, cycle infrastructure and urban design along Roma Street and at the Makerston Street intersection
  • Introduction of a right-turn movement for vehicles from Makerston Street onto Roma Street
  • Further information will be provided prior to traffic changes occurring.


What to expect

Roma Street station construction hours are 24 hours Monday to Friday and 6:30am to 6:30pm on Saturdays unless advised.

Activities may also be required to take place outside of these hours. During construction, you may notice:

  • Increased levels of noise, dust and vibration
  • Construction vehicles travelling to and from the worksite via Roma Street
  • Delivery of materials and equipment to the worksite including at night
  • Temporary traffic and pedestrian changes on Roma Street and surrounding streets.

If you want to know more, all of this information is available in PDF form: