Demolition at Roma Street
The Brisbane Transit Centre and Hotel Jen buildings are being demolished to make way for the new underground station at Roma Street.
Demolition of these buildings will be done in stages between late 2019 and late 2020.
The buildings are being demolished level by level, starting from the top and working down to ground level. Demolition involves:
- Disconnecting utility services including electricity, water and gas
- Removing internal fittings and fixtures. This includes safely removing any hazardous materials found in the buildings in accordance with regulatory requirements
- Installing scaffolding around the perimeter of the buildings and gantries over the footpath to maintain safe access for pedestrians
- Structural demolition of the buildings. Heavy machinery, including excavators and cranes will be used to demolish the buildings
- Removing demolition waste. Existing lift shafts within each tower will be used to move waste to the ground floor where it will be loaded into trucks and removed from site
Demolition works will generally occur during between 6:30am and 6:30pm, Monday to Saturday. Due to traffic restrictions and to maintain the safety of the community and our works, some works may occur outside of these times.