Rail corridor works – Kingsford Smith Drive, Pinkenba

Throughout November 2023, construction activities will be carried out within the rail corridor adjacent to the intersection of Sugarmill Road and Kingsford Smith Drive, Pinkenba.

Rail corridor – Pinkenba

Hardstand construction

A hardstand will be constructed within the rail corridor on Sugarmill Road, Pinkenba. The hardstand will be constructed using spray seal asphalt.

The following activities will be undertaken:

  • transport of materials and equipment to worksite
  • earthworks and ground preparation activities
  • laying material to construct road base
  • asphalting activities.

This will involve the use of graders, excavators, rollers, asphalting equipment, water carts and trucks.

Please see map below for location of work.

This work will occur from 6am to 6pm Monday to Friday, construction and weather conditions permitting.

Temporary traffic changes

During these works, traffic control will be in place on Kingsford Smith Drive and Sugarmill Road to assist vehicles accessing the work area.

Access around the work area and to properties will be maintained at all times.

Work area Pinkenba November 2023

Map of Pinkenba work area.


Why is this happening?

The temporary site will be used intermittently during scheduled rail track closures to transfer freight between trains and trucks.

The transfer site is required as upcoming construction activities critical to the completion of Cross River Rail, require long periods of work within the rail corridor that impact existing freight paths.

The establishment of this temporary transfer site ensures critical freight services can still be transported to and from Brisbane during extended track closures.

More information about the temporary site will be provided prior to the commencement of operations, which is expected in late-December.

What to expect?

During construction, you may notice:

  • Construction activities may generate increased levels of noise, dust and vibration.
  • Construction vehicles travelling to and from the worksite.
  • Delivery of materials and equipment to the worksite. Oversized loads may be required to be delivered at night.
  • Temporary traffic changes on Sugarmill Road and Kingsford Smith Drive.

If you want to know more, all of this information is available in PDF form: