Moorooka Station Consultation Summary

As part of the Cross River Rail project, Moorooka station will be rebuilt to improve accessibility and functionality


Between Monday 5 February and Sunday 3 March 2024, UNITY Alliance sought feedback on the concept design for the new Moorooka station, as part of the Cross River Rail project.

Consultation outcomes

Overall, feedback from the community and stakeholders indicated that the station rebuild will improve functionality and accessibility of the station. During the consultation period, more than 230 respondents provided feedback through an online survey, community drop-in sessions and emails to the project team.

Community feedback

All community and stakeholder feedback received during the consultation period will be considered by the project team and will help inform the final design for construction. The following key points were raised during the community consultation period:

  • Positive feedback regarding the functionality and accessibility of the rebuilt station, including lifts, accessible parking and the new kiss ‘n’ ride drop off area
  • Positive feedback regarding the inclusion of additional shelter on station platforms and at the station entry, and improved visual amenity
  • Some respondents requested more trees at the station entry and at waiting areas, additional shade on the station platforms and more water fountains at the station.

Feedback was received regarding topics that are outside the project scope for Cross River Rail including adding a pedestrian overpass over Ipswich Road, a pedestrian overpass connecting Moorooka station to Fairfield Road, and improving commuter car parking options by adding a park ‘n’ ride facility. All feedback regarding out-of-scope topics has been passed onto the relevant agencies for consideration.

While a pedestrian overpass over Ipswich Road is not being built as part of the Cross River Rail project, the Moorooka Station design allows for an overpass to be connected into the station in the future.

What’s next

The Moorooka station design will be further developed and community feedback will be considered. The community will be kept updated as the station design is finalised and will be notified of construction activities well in advance. Early works are underway and timing for the start of construction is dependent on the station design being finalised. The station is planned to be completed in 2026.