Moorooka station early works - September and October 2024

From mid-September, early works will commence at Moorooka station ahead of major construction commencing in 2025. This will include the demolition of the building at 1137 Ipswich Road over the coming months, weather and construction conditions permitting.

Works will take place from Monday to Friday during day and night shifts, and will include:

Between 6:00am and 5:00pm:

  • Disconnection of water, electricity and gas
  • Investigation and removal of any hazardous materials
  • Removal of existing boundary fence and installation of new fencing around the site

Between 9:00pm and 5:00am:

  • Demolition of buildings and removal of concrete slabs
  • Removal of vegetation and waste


Work area and access changes

Map showing Moorooka station early works.


What to expect

  • Construction activities may generate increased levels of noise and dust in the area
  • The use of machinery including an excavator, bobcat, haul and dump truck and tipping trailer
  • Periodic vehicle movements to deliver plant and remove materials via Ipswich Road during night shift only
  • Traffic and pedestrian path changes with signage and traffic control in place (see map above for details)
  • A section of the northbound slow lane on Ipswich Road will be closed from 9:00pm to 5:00am each night when works are occurring. Traffic control will be in place to hold traffic intermittently as required
  • A section of the pedestrian footpath on the western side of Ipswich Road will be closed during night shift only. A temporary footpath will be established between the work area and the road and traffic control will be in place
  • Bus stop 051696 will remain open for the duration of works.

If you want to know more, all of this information is available in PDF form:

Clapham Yard construction update - February and March 2025

In February and March 2025, UNITY Alliance will continue to undertake earthworks, drainage and service installation, bridge construction, track, signalling, and overhead electrical works at Clapham Yard.


The following activities are scheduled to occur between 6:30am and 6:30pm, Monday to Saturday in February and March 2025, weather and construction conditions permitting:

  • Continue construction works on the Chale Street and Moolabin Creek bridges
  • Continue installation of drainage, service conduits, and pits for electrical, communications, and cable routes
  • Continue track construction including placing rail ballast, grading and compaction, sleeper and rail installation, tamping, and rail grinding
  • Continue overhead electrical line footing and mast installations
  • Continue rail corridor and boundary fence installation
  • Vegetation trimming within the rail corridor (refer to map overleaf)

Out of Hours Work

The following activities will occur outside the project’s normal working hours, weather and construction conditions permitting.

At Clapham Yard / Fairfield Road, Yeerongpilly and between 6:30pm and 6:30am intermittently in February and March 2025, the following works will occur:

  • Public utility service investigations (water and sewer)
  • Delivery of equipment and materials to site including concrete, gravels, and building supplies
  • Installation of stormwater drainage pipes, v-drain, batter and scour protection, and boundary fencing

At Clapham Yard / Fairfield Road, Yeerongpilly and between 2:00am Saturday 22 and 3:00am Monday 24 February 2025, between 12:00am Saturday 1 and 3:00am Monday 3 March 2025, between 12:00am Saturday 15 and 3:10am Monday 17 March 2025, and between 12:00am Friday 21 March and 10:00pm Wednesday 28 April 2025, the following works will occur:

  • Cable service route works including excavation, concreting, drainage, and installation of under track crossings for services (e.g., water, electrical)
  • Realign tracks over the new Moolabin Creek rail bridge
  • Remove redundant structures including overhead electrical towers, Moolabin Creek rail bridge (refer to map overleaf), and concrete footings
  • Drainage and retaining wall construction including excavation and concreting
  • Muriel Avenue rail bridge handrail installation
  • Signal testing and commissioning


Construction work locations and intermittent traffic changes

Map of work areas, construction access, cyclist and pedestrian access, and temporary traffic changes on Fairfield Road and Muriel Avenue, Yeerongpilly.

What to Expect

During these works you may notice some intermittent disruptions such as:

  • Intermittent single lane closures on Fairfield Road (outbound)
  • Intermittent lane closures on Muriel Avenue with Queensland Police and traffic control to assist. Traffic movements will be maintained in both directions through the work area. Please allow extra travel time
  • Light vehicles, trucks, and machinery including excavators with rock breakers and jackhammers, graders, rollers, water carts, front end loaders, mobile cranes, piling rigs, drilling rigs, vacuum excavation trucks, small power tools, drills, saws, minor vibrating equipment, and mobile lighting towers to light the work areas at night
  • Changes around your local area such as construction vehicles, traffic management signs, and personnel
  • Some noise, vibration, and dust associated with the use of heavy machinery and equipment
  • Works Notice – Clapham Yard construction update – February and March 2025