Fairfield station concept design
As part of the Cross River Rail project, Exhibition station, Dutton Park station and six stations from Fairfield to Salisbury will be upgraded to improve access and functionality.
Between January and February 2020, the UNITY Alliance sought feedback on the concept design for an upgraded Fairfield station, as part of the Cross River Rail project.
Consultation outcomes
Overall, feedback from the community and stakeholders indicated support for the station upgrade and for the new station design incorporating heritage elements. During the consultation period more than 200 people provided feedback through online surveys, community drop-in sessions, stakeholder meetings, emails and phone calls to the project team.
Summary of Feedback
A summary of feedback received during the consultation period included:
- support for heritage elements being incorporated into the design to reflect the character of the station precinct
- retain current station heritage structures where possible (e.g. commuter shelter)
- incorporate more shelters and landscaping elements into the design
- improved accessibility considerations as part of the design
- ventilation of pedestrian overpass and air-conditioning in lift cars
- provide additional bicycle storage for active transport
- safe pedestrian access points (e.g. lighting, line of sight)
- ensure adequate commuter and pedestrian safety / security.
What’s next
The concept design for Fairfield station will be further developed during the detailed design phase. All feedback received during the consultation period will be considered. Construction will commence on the Fairfield station upgrade from mid-2020 and be underway for 18 – 24 months.