Pedestrian and Cycle Bridge update

Construction of the new Pedestrian and Cycle Bridge at Boggo Road is already underway on the eastern side within the existing Kent Street worksite.

Works on the western side of the bridge span started in mid 2022 with a new work area established on Peter Doherty Street.


Pedestrian and Cycle Bridge

A new shared pedestrian and cycle bridge which will link the new Boggo Road station and Park Road station over the rail corridor to the Princess Alexandra Hospital precinct and South-East Busway is being built by Cross River Rail.

The bridge will provide much-needed connectivity and allow for easier movement on foot, by bike or scooter, or to connect with public transport.

The new Pedestrian and Cycling Bridge is an architecturally designed cable stay bridge approximately 480m long with the cable stay spire approximately 45m high. You can find out more at the dedicated webpage.


Peter Doherty Street site establishment

In preparation for works to begin on the western side of the bridge, a new work area will be established on the northern side of Peter Doherty Street from early August (refer to map below). Site establishment will include:

  • Removal of existing parking, lighting, and the footpath
  • Changes to line marking and installing traffic management to assist drivers
  • Installation of temporary worksite fencing
  • Vegetation clearing
  • Delivery of machinery and equipment.

During this time, you may notice an increase in construction activity in the area.

Bridge construction

Following site establishment, work to strengthen the ground and activities to build the bridge supports will start. This will include:

  • Earthworks and excavation
  • Service relocation
  • Piling and related activities including jackhammering
  • Installing steel and pouring concrete.

Construction activities will be scheduled during the day however evening and night work may be required. Additional notification will be provided prior to night works. Activities that generate increased levels of noise will be planned during standard daytime construction hours, where possible.

Work in this area will take place until late 2023. Updates will be provided as work progresses.
Peter Doherty Street worksite map detailing the work area, local traffic access, temporary car parking removal and pedestrian access during contrition.

Changes to traffic and on street parking

During the site establishment and construction phases, changes to traffic arrangements and parking will be implemented on Peter Doherty Street. Traffic changes are expected to be in place for approximately 18 months while the new bridge is being built. These changes will include:

  • Peter Doherty Street between Joe Baker Street and the 21 Peter Doherty Street driveway will be limited to one way traffic in the direction of Annerley Road only
  • Access to 31 Peter Doherty Street driveway which will be via Boggo Road and Joe Baker Street only (no access from Annerley Road)
  • Access to 21 Peter Doherty Street driveway will remain as existing
  • Temporary and permanent changes to on street parking as outlined below:
    • Sixteen car parks on the northern side, and seven on the southern side of Peter Doherty Street will be temporarily removed from August 2022 to late 2023.
    • Six car parks on the northern side will be reinstated once the bridge works are complete.


During construction, you may notice:

  • Construction activities that generate increased levels of noise, dust and vibration. Onsite mitigation measures will be implemented where possible
  • Construction vehicles travelling to and from the worksite via Boggo Road, Joe Baker Street and Peter Doherty Street
  • Delivery of materials and equipment to the worksite including at night
  • Presence of workforce in the area.

We appreciate your patience during construction and will continue to update you as work progresses.
If you want to know more, all of this information is available in PDF form: