Mary Street works – temporary footpath and lane closures

Throughout November and December, site establishment works, including the installation of pedestrian protection gantries and hoardings, is continuing on Mary Street in the vicinity of the Albert Street worksite. These works will require temporary footpath and lane closures.


Temporary footpath closures

The footpath on Mary Street alongside Lot 2 of the Albert Street station construction site will remain closed to pedestrians until mid to late November 2019 (see map below).

Following removal of the existing building awning, the closure will remain in place to enable installation of the pedestrian gantry. These works will be undertaken between 6:30am and 6:30pm, Monday to Saturday.

Pedestrians will continue to be detoured to the other side of Mary Street until the footpath is reopened. Parking spaces and loading zones alongside the footpath will also be intermittently closed during this work.

Work may also include the safe removal of any hazardous materials found. These works will be carried out in accordance with regulatory requirements for the safety of workers and the community.

Ongoing weekend lane closures throughout November and December

To enable installation of the pedestrian gantry, on Saturdays and Sundays throughout November and December 2019,
there will be lane closures on Mary Street alongside the Albert Street worksite (Lot 1 and Lot 2). Traffic will still be able to
travel in both directions on Mary Street with reduced lanes available. Work activities will include:

  • installing pedestrian protection gantries over the footpath on the northern (site side) of Mary Street
  • installing site hoarding
  • trimming/removal of vegetation
  • excavation using a vacuum truck to identify existing underground utility services
  • geotechnical investigations using a drill rig
  • trenching to relocate underground services where required.

Please see map below for details of this work.



What to expect

During this work, nearby businesses and residents can expect:

  • a potential increase in noise, dust and vibration. We are committed to reducing these impacts as much as possible
  • use of construction machinery such as mobile cranes, road saws, elevated work platforms and hand tools
  • increased construction vehicle movements
  • minor traffic delays. Traffic control officers will be in place to maintain the safety of road users, community and

Work is subject to suitable weather conditions.

Every effort will be made to keep disruption to a minimum for residents and businesses near the project site. If you have
questions at any time you can call 1800 010 875 to speak to a member of the Cross River Rail Tunnel and Stations contractor team.

If you want to know more, all of this information is available in PDF form: