Our Vision for Reconciliation
Cross River Rail Delivery Authority acknowledges that First Nations people have historically played a significant part in Australia’s Rail Infrastructure projects as they have long supported connections to community and country. To bridge the gap of inequality, our vision is to leverage our primary functions, through providing connections and to forge new tracks to reconciliation that will be impactful and sustainable.
We will do this by:
- Increasing our understanding of the connection that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have with their lands and cultures.
- Extending our connection with First Nations people of Brisbane and engaging with activities and programs identified and supported by them.
- Inspiring people with the histories, stories, and messages of the First Nations people to share an understanding, recognition and respect and reflect these in the new pathways and places we are making.
- Creating educational, training, and economic opportunity pathways to connect First Nations people to the future.
- Leveraging and implementing our reconciliation actions to connect with our key government and delivery partners to continue the reconciliation pathway beyond completion of our projects.