Constructing the Green Spine

As part of Cross River Rail, a new public realm on Albert Street between Elizabeth and Mary streets will realise part of Brisbane City Council’s ‘Green Spine’ vision for Albert Street.


From June 2024, construction of the Albert Street public realm will commence. The work is being delivered in stages to maintain connectivity along Albert Street and access to businesses and properties. Throughout construction there will be changes to access including some temporary footpath and traffic detours. Signage will be in place to assist pedestrians, cyclists and motorists.

The project team will discuss any access changes with impacted properties prior to implementation.

The first stage of works will commence between Elizabeth and Charlotte Streets in June. To ensure works are completed safely, hoarding and fencing will first be installed on Albert Street to establish a temporary work area.

Work on the urban realm will be carried out during day and night, seven days a week, subject to wet weather and unforeseen circumstances.
Information regarding each stage of construction will be distributed prior to each new work zone being established.

How the Green Spine will be constructed:

  • Establishment of temporary work areas on Albert Street. For stage one this will be between Elizabeth Street and Charlotte Street including fencing and barrier installation.
  • Survey set out, service investigation, geotechnical investigation.
  • Demolition, excavation, vacuum excavation and cranage.
  • Concrete pours, tiling and paving.
  • Installing furniture and constructing new streetscape and landscape features.

Preliminary investigations

Utility and service investigation is required to confirm ground conditions and existing service locations prior to construction commencing.
These preliminary works will take place in and around the Green Spine construction site and local streets including Elizabeth Street, Charlotte Street and Mary Street.

These investigations will require the use of vacuum excavators and will occur intermittently throughout construction.
Detours and traffic control will be in place to assist motorists and pedestrians where required. Access to properties will be maintained.

What to expect:

  • Temporary vehicle and pedestrian detours on Albert Street between Elizabeth Street and Charlotte Street including footpath realignment and traffic management changes.
  • Some access changes to properties and businesses.
  • Work to be carried out both during the day and at night due to access requirements.
  • Increase in noise, dust, vibration and worksite lighting.
  • Increase in worker presence.
  • Potential impact to existing services (eg. power, water, gas). Impacted properties will be notified if required.

Construction activities pending weather and site conditions.


If you want to know more, all of this information is available in PDF form:

You can learn more about the Albert Street Green Spine at the dedicated webpage.